Thursday, June 12, 2008

Parking Signs

I was at the hospital the other day at an appointment with my pregnant wife and found a mega-rockstar parking space in the parking garage. It was marked with this sign...

As I gleefully pulled in, seeing as though I drive a '96 Corolla... Sedan, my excitement was met with frustration. I couldn't actually get out of the car! Why? Because there was a freakin huge SUV parked right beside me. It was also in a space marked Compact Car Parking Only. I mean this just isn't fair. The kind higher-ups that run this joint decided to honor the fuel-frugal enviro conscious space efficient people of the world with their own luxury parking spaces. I consider it a distinct privilege to park in these spaces. But this guy or gal just ticked me off!!! I mean... if you want to park here, you have got to pay the price pal!! Not only is your truck too big to fit in this space, but so is your ego... Some say that, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." But I say, "You can't have your ego and my rockstar compact car parking too... you fools!" I mean yesterday I received my official membership packet for the Junky Car Club! Listen folks, there is a price to pay for everything!!! You paid that price for your huge fancy high-falutin' SUV, but I paid paid the price with my ego so you better back off that parkin' space homeboy!!!

OK!! Uhhh...

Here are a couple of other frequently violated parking signs...

Common reasoning: "It'll only take a few minutes. And who's enforcing this anyway, some rentacop in a Ford Escape?"

Everyone wants to be clergy for a day!


"Oh, well I haven't decided whether or not to become a member yet..."


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